Five Reasons to Work with a Freelance Business Writer


I was talking with a marketing guy at a cocktail party last weekend and he asked me what I did for a living.  When I explained I was a freelance business writer, the look on his face told me he didn’t quite get it.

He then asked me, “So why do people hire you?”

It’s a fair question. Not all marketing and PR people have worked with freelance writers before. Some don’t even know we exist. So as self-serving as it might be, let’s talk about why you might want to hire a professional business writer.

You should consider working with a freelance business writer if:

1.) Writing is not your strong suit. 

Writing is a skill, and while everyone can write, not everyone writes well or enjoys it. I know people who would rather get a root canal than write an article. And that’s OK because you can hire a professional business writer to write for your audience, adopt your corporate voice and support your business objectives. My dad taught me how to change our car’s oil when I was 16. I can’t tell you how relieved I was to later learn that I could hire an expert to do it for me. Because quite frankly, I’d rather be doing something else. Anything else.


2.) You have no time to write.

You and your staff are juggling a lot. You might be excellent writers, but you’re probably understaffed and overcommitted to other business priorities. Besides, the sales team is getting restless and you need something done yesterday. Experienced business writers are no strangers to accelerated timelines– tight deadlines come with the territory. A professional business writer can take those time-intensive writing projects off your plate– everything from 140-character tweets and blog posts to executive keynote addresses and big thought-leadership pieces. That gives you more time to lead your team and get your job done. Plus, since writers want you to hire them for the next project, they’ve got built-in incentive to meet deadlines and exceed your expectations.


3.) You need a fresh perspective.

I’ve seen it happen a lot. An organization talks to itself so much that it fails to realize that it’s lost the audience. Or maybe you’re stuck talking about your business in a way that feels so 2008. A good freelance business writer brings your company new ideas and can be the catalyst that moves your corporate narrative ahead.


4.)  You need a cost-effective solution. 

Building strong relationships with freelance writers can help you get the most out of your budget. I know because in my previous life as head of public relations, I hired freelance writers all the time. You might not have budget for headcount, but working with a freelance business writer enables you to pay as you go for the writing you need. And let’s get real for a moment: if your budget gets cut midway through the year, it’s much easier to dial down your freelance budget than lay off your employees (Wait… so much for being self-serving. Of course your freelance budget is also much easier to dial back up.). Plus, you don’t need to worry about benefits, paid time off, technology or office space. Those are all my responsibility and I’ve got ‘em covered. A good professional business writer delivers a high level of skill and experience in a flexible, cost-effective package.


5.) You need an experienced pro.

Maybe a project involves working with your company’s most senior executives. Maybe it requires interacting with your biggest customers or key partners. An experienced freelance business writer can handle it. With 20+ years experience in public relations and integrated marketing, I know what works and what doesn’t; what requires extra sensitivity and what questions to ask to get to the good stuff. I also know the secret to getting clients to say “yes” to participating in case studies and how to maximize the return on those case studies once they’re written. Stick with me and I’ll be more than happy to share what I know.

To learn more about how I can help you tell your story, or to discuss a potential project (or just share an idea for a future blog post), e-mail me at





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